
Haftar disowns his militias … and makes his sons Commanders over them.

After being involved in the war on Tripoli for more than a year, Haftar disavowed his militias and made their members face the difficulty of life by closing financial funding, and not looking after the wounded and the dead, with the killed approaching 7,000 people, despite his promises to allocate huge sums of money for them.

Haftar issued a decision during the pinnacle of his aggression against Tripoli, promising to his militia of an amount of 100,000 dinars for the family of each killed in his ranks, and treating all the wounded in local and foreign private hospitals, but his promises went unheeded.

Closure the parallel Central bank of Libya

Haftar’s militias resorted, in their last stance to demand their rights by closing the parallel central bank of Libya in the eastern region, protesting against the suspension of their medical treatment and neglect in all financial and service aspects.

The wedding of the militia commander’s son

The wedding of Haftar’s son Saddam, who was appointed by his father as the commander of the so-called dignity militia with the rank of colonel without entering the military college as an instructor, and he arranged a wedding for him in Benghazi, in which he spent millions of dinars.

The wedding witnessed the distribution of luxury cars and phones exceeding 13 million dinars worth to over 40 poets, who attended the ceremony in Ijdabiya, to glorify Haftar and their sons, and show them as the victorious in the Libyan scene.

His militia protested the during the aggression against Tripoli about not paying attention to them and their wounded, and to make them sleep on the sidewalks of roads and in front of the doors of consulates and embassies to treat them despite Haftar’s defeat since last June.

Written by raed_admin

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