
Haftar obstructs the Tunis dialogue … Will the Ghadames scenario be repeated?

Last Monday, the Libyan political dialogue sessions began in Tunis under the auspices of the United Nations Mission in Libya, and in the presence of 75 members from various Libyan components.

The sessions were dominated at the beginning by a positive atmosphere and consensus towards forming an executive authority to oversee the elections according to an agreed constitutional rule.

Acting head of the United Nations mission, “Stephanie Williams,” said the negotiators agreed to separate the executive authority from the government, which would be largely responsible for providing services.

But, as usual, Khalifa Haftar continues to obstruct any political scene that ends the state of division, creates state institutions and marginalizes his ambition to gain power by force.

Trusted sources told Arraed that Haftar is pressuring members of the eastern region at the Libyan Dialogue Forum held in Tunis to postpone the political settlement and create reasons to prevent the dialogue from continuing … Is Haftar trying to repeat the Ghadames scenario?


The writer Abdulaziz Al-Ghanai believes that Haftar has partners in the Libyan west who work together to obstruct the dialogue, whether through figures who are currently outside the authority, and who seek to monopolize it, or figures who are currently in power in the Presidential Council.

In a statement to Arraed, Al-Ghanai said that Aqeela Saleh is seeking to achieve a smooth exit for Haftar from the military scene, but Haftar is not an easy prey to come out empty handed, according to him.

Al-Ghanai confirmed that Haftar, and behind him Russia, is moving in two lines: the first is the arrival of his allies to power, otherwise the dialogue is obstructed, and the second is the confirmation of his presence through the 5 + 5 Committee as an existing party and a genuine reality in the Libyan scene, noting that if the Tunis dialogue failed completely, it is not expected that this war will happen, due to Haftar’s failure, militarily and politically, to capture power from the Presidential Council, and also because of the recent agreements made by Turkey and Russia in Syria.

Status of Ignoring

The writer Ali Abo Zaid said that Haftar is trying to obstruct the Tunis dialogue and push for no results, because of the state of neglect that the international community has placed him in since his defeat in southern Tripoli, therefore, he seeks to hinder this path.

Abo Zaid ruled out, in a statement to Arraed, that Haftar would repeat Ghadames’s scenario, because of the change in the position of his supporters, who became certain of his inability to achieve a military settlement, but he may try, during his obstruction of the settlement path, to succeed in the line that he opened with the member of the Presidential Council, Ahmed Maiteeq, and make it a parallel path and rally his supporters around him.

Under Emirati orders

The writer and political analyst Muhammad Ghemim considered that Haftar, with the instructions of the Emirati, infiltrated the corridors of the Tunis dialogue, and practiced tampering by putting pressure on the representatives of the eastern region, in addition to his communication with some representatives of parties affiliated with the western region. Simply because their interests converged in preserving the situation as it is, and impeding Mr. Bashagha’s ability to take over government affairs.

In a statement to Arraed, Ghumim indicated that what is happening now from playing and tampering under the supervision of the UAE aims to destabilize Libya, and the continuation of chaos after it failed in its military aggression led by Haftar against Tripoli, pointing out that the entry of the Russians into the military equation also aggravated the Libyan problem and confused Haftar’s calculations on the ground, considering that the Russians are closer to Aqeela than Haftar, and all recent information confirms that Haftar does not have control over the existing Russian mercenaries, and based on this analysis, I do not expect that Haftar will be able to repeat his military aggression.

Ghemim explained that the strong military presence of the Turkish ally, which increased the capabilities of the Government of National Accord, prevents a repeat of the military aggression on Tripoli, adding that the relationship between Turkey and Russia is greater than Haftar and the UAE.

Ghemim considered that the so-called “pro-Haftar brigades or Janjaweed” are numbers and mechanisms that lack the capabilities to wage any battle or even think about the West, but rather are dispersed over points in the desert, to terrorize civilians in the eastern region.

Sharing power

Journalist Abdallah Al-Kabeer says that the failure of the Tunis dialogue is due to its building it on the power-sharing formula between the current parties, the main cause of successive crises.

In a statement to Arraed, Al-Kabeer added that this is against the will of the people who want change through the elections, indicating that Haftar has an influence as well as other parties have an influence in the failure of the dialogue, as he put it.

Written by raed_admin

Erdogan’s advisor: The UAE and France tried to penetrate the dialogue forum in Tunis to regain what Haftar lost on the ground.

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