
Erdogan’s advisor: The UAE and France tried to penetrate the dialogue forum in Tunis to regain what Haftar lost on the ground.

The advisor to the Turkish President, Yassin Aktay, said that there are signs that France and the UAE are trying to penetrate the meetings of the Dialogue Forum in Tunis through lobbying, in an attempt to regain what they have lost on the ground.

Aktay added in a newspaper article that there are clear intentions that emerged strongly from the dealing of these two countries, and it is clear that they will continue to follow the same path in the future.

Aktay pointed out that the follower of the phase that led Libya to where it is now, and the role played by the UAE as a source of strife and tension, realizes that this has brought the situation in Libya into a spiral from which it cannot exit.

It is worth noting that the United Nations reports have stated that the UAE has repeatedly violated the arms embargo imposed on Libya, in addition to international press reports that revealed France’s continued support for Khalifa Haftar with regard to intelligence and military.

Written by raed_admin

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