
Private sources reveal Al-Sarraj’s intention to assign a prime minister who hails from eastern Libya … and observers see it as a “disruption to the settlement process and not to improve government performance”.

Libyans await the start of the Libyan political dialogue on the 9th of next November and the results emerging from it that end the current political division in the country and unify state institutions, especially the Central Bank, which will positively affect the lives of Libyans.

However, there are attempts to obstruct this dialogue and confuse its results prior to its launch, as Arraed Media Network learned from a private source that the President of the Presidency Council, Fayez Al-Sarraj, intends to appoint a prime minister from the Eastern Province. In order to hamper the dialogue forum in Tunis.

Al-Sarraj’s announcement comes after he retracted his resignation, which he announced his intention to present at the end of October.

The source informed Arraed that there are figures in the state who support this path, most notably the Vice President of the Presidency Council Ahmed Maiteeq, and the Governor of the Central Bank of Libya, Siddiq al-Kabeer.

Demand for “temporary” continuation

The international community was clear of the need to support the path of the UN mission, the last of which came from the German Foreign Ministry, which stressed that Al Sarraj’s stay in the political scene was “temporary” “throughout the period of the dialogue.”

Obstruction of the Settlement

Writer and political analyst Ali Abo Zaid believes that Al-Sarraj’s formation of a new government is a late step aimed at confusing or obstructing the settlement process, and not improving the government’s inefficient performance.

Abo Zaid added, in a statement to Arraed, that the goal of forming this government is to create a front of those aspiring to play a political role, indicating that this track will only be threatened with achieving a political settlement that ends this government, indicating that Al-Sarraj is trying, through the formation of this government, to introduce new players to obstruct the settlement path, according to him.

The complexity of the solution

Writer and blogger Farag Farkash affirmed that the competition of poles and parallel tracks to the one sponsored by the United Nations Mission in Libya will only complicate the solution that the mission aspires to achieve.

Farkash added, in a statement to Arraed, that these tracks may hinder the UN mission’s endeavor, explaining that Williams’ “good” efforts will not lead to an agreement by the Libyans unless they have the sincere desire and will to agree in Tunisia.

Political analyst Mohamed Ghemim said that it is difficult for the parallel movements to achieve the aim of obstructing the Tunis dialogue at the beginning of November, especially since there is great support from international and local forces for this track.

In a statement to Arraed, Ghemim explained that the international support for the dialogue was praised by many countries and political forces for the outcomes of the military dialogue (5 + 5) in which military forces on the ground participated, most notably Major General Ahmed Abo Shahma, commander of the field operations room, Operation Volcano of Anger.

Ghemim expressed his hope that all political forces and personalities would understand and absorb the critical political and security situation in Libya by supporting the UN mission’s track. Because it is difficult for the Libyan factions to agree on a strong mediator who can lead a dialogue that leads to a solution to the crisis in Libya, as he put it.

Written by raed_admin

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