
The European Union: We are ready to support the implementation of the ceasefire agreement in Libya, with concrete measures.

The spokesman for the European Union, “Peter Stano”, said that the Union is ready to support the implementation of the ceasefire agreement in Libya with concrete measures, calling at the same time all international and regional actors to support these efforts.

“Stano” stressed in statements – to Today’s News Gate website – Wednesday, the rejection of the military solution and foreign interference in Libya, which only leads to prolonging the conflict, according to him, calling on all foreign fighters and mercenaries to withdraw immediately from Libya.

Stano pointed out that the positive developments on the ground pave the way for the re-launch of a comprehensive political process in Libya, expressing his hope for the success of the Forum for Political Dialogue and finding a political solution to the Libyan crisis.

It is worth noting that the Acting Head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya “Stephanie Williams” announced, on Sunday, the launch of the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum through the visual communication system, in preparation for the holding of the direct meeting on November 9 in Tunis.

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Human Rights Watch welcomes the ceasefire agreement in Libya and calls for accountability for the crimes.