
Human Rights Watch welcomes the ceasefire agreement in Libya and calls for accountability for the crimes.

“Human Rights Watch” welcomed some human rights obligations in the ceasefire agreement signed by the Libyan parties in Geneva under the auspices of the UN mission, expressing its concern about the agreement’s lack of accountability for crimes.

The organization said – in a statement on its official website – on Wednesday, that the agreement did not include the commitment and path of accountability for serious crimes and violations committed by the parties with the support of their foreign sponsors, which include indiscriminate shelling that killed civilians and destroyed infrastructure, enforced disappearances, arbitrary arrests, and unlawful killings. .

The organization added that among the defects of the agreement is the demobilization of combatants and their integration into government forces, calling for strict scrutiny to be put in place to exclude any accused of committing serious crimes and hold any accused of these crimes accountable, according to the statement.

It is worth noting that the two parties of the Joint Military Committee 5 +5 signed, last Friday, an agreement providing for a ceasefire, removing mercenaries within 90 days, opening land and air crossings, restructuring the Petroleum Facilities Guard, and exchanging detainees and prisoners.

The European Union: We are ready to support the implementation of the ceasefire agreement in Libya, with concrete measures.

The House of Representatives and the Supreme Council of the State call on Al-Sarraj to continue his duties to avoid any political vacuum.