
Erdogan: Legitimacy in Libya is for the GNA, and Haftar is just a mercenary.

Turkish President Rejep Tayyip Erdogan said Thursday that legitimacy will prevail in Libya, and that the coup leaders will be defeated in the end, stressing that the government of reconciliation headed by Fayez Al-Sarraj is the only legitimate entity that is internationally recognized.

Erdogan added, according to Anadolu Agency, that “the coup leader, Khalifa Haftar, does not enjoy any legitimacy or international recognition, and he is carrying out a dirty and bloody war using mercenaries and foreign militias, and he is just a mercenary who has shown the world that he has no intention of a truce or a solution and his position is far from any Understanding, whether in Moscow or at the Berlin conference, ”he said.

“Erdogan” stated that the United Nations registration of the maritime jurisdiction agreement between Turkey and Libya proved that this step does not pose any problem in terms of international law and stable norms, pointing out that the Turkish army is carrying out training and support tasks in Libya at the request of the legitimate government.

Erdogan explained that the calm achieved in the field with Turkey’s initiatives is the latest opportunity to preserve peace and stability in Libya and the region, and it should not be missed.

It is worth noting that Turkish President “Rejep Tayyip Erdogan” renewed, last Monday, his country’s support for Libya, and that his country will strengthen its relations with the reconciliation government.

Written by raed_admin

The Guardian: The UAE continues to send weapons to Libya through Egypt.

Observers: The consensus of the two delegation of the dialogue in Abo Zniqa, represents a basic basis towards a political solution to the crisis.