
United Nations: The UAE has violated the arms embargo on Libya and stepped up military support for Haftar.

A UN diplomat revealed, on Wednesday, a confidential report by the expert committee of the Libya Sanctions Committee, confirming that the UAE has violated the arms embargo and has stepped up military support for Haftar.

The American diplomat said in statements carried by the American Wall Street Journal that the UAE Air Force sent about 150 flights between January and April carrying ammunition and defense systems, in addition to dozens of flights during the summer using a US military transport plane (C-17).

The diplomat said that the UAE is accused of using ships to transport aviation fuel to Libya for military purposes, in violation of the arms embargo, according to what was published by Al Jazeera Net.

Last March, the British newspaper, The Guardian, revealed that the UAE had sent more than 5,000 tons of military supplies to support Haftar’s militias, and these shipments had been transported through more than 100 flights since mid-January, according to flight tracking data.

Written by raed_admin

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