
Al-Sarraj discusses with the Constitutional Commission constitutional solutions to complete the institutional track.

On Wednesday, the President of the Presidency Council, Fayez Al-Sarraj, discussed with the President of the Constituent Assembly to draft the constitution Al-Jilani Irrhoma, ways to find constitutional solutions that would transfer the country to a democratic civil state by completing the institutional track and holding parliamentary and constitutional elections.

Al-Sarraj reiterated, during the meeting, which was attended by a number of members of the Commission, his emphasis on the importance of a permanent constitution for the country, adding that Libya is going through a dangerous and fateful stage that requires that all Libyans be at the level of historical national responsibility, indicating that it was the first to welcome the draft constitution until it became a project ,once approved by the people, it represents a basis for building the desired civil state.

According to the President’s Media Office. Al-Sarraj appreciated the effort and success that the commission made in issuing the project despite the difficult circumstances and the criticisms and accusations directed at it, without realizing or paying attention to what the commission was seeking to find a common consensus ground for the various approaches.

It is worth noting that the members of the Constitutional Drafting Assembly voted in April 2016 to approve the draft constitution by a majority, in a session at the headquarters of the commission in the city of Al-Bayda.

Written by raed_admin

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