
Turkish Defense Ministry : Bahrain describing the UAE’s role in Libya as “constructive”, is unfortunate.

The Turkish Defense Ministry said that Bahrain’s description of destabilizing Emirati activities in the region and in Libya as “constructive”, and to show the “right” Turkish reaction as targeting the Arab brothers an unfortunate and futile attempt.

The ministry said, according to “Arab TRT” on Monday, that the statement issued by the Bahraini Ministry of Foreign Affairs about the declarations of the Turkish Defense Minister Khulsi Akar does not reflect the facts, calling on the Abu Dhabi administration and the governments supporting them to return to their senses.

The ministry added that it is not possible to defend peace, stability and regional security by supporting the coup leaders, but by standing by the side of law and legitimacy.

The ministry confirmed that it deals with the Libyan file, according to the principle, Libya is for the Libyans, stressing that it will be a prosperous, independent and unified state under the leadership of the reconciliation government.

The ministry indicated that Turkey is present in Libya within the framework of bilateral agreements signed in accordance with international law, and at the invitation of the legitimate and internationally recognized government of the GNA, not at the request of the coup leaders, reminiscent of its determination to continue to provide its advisory support, aid and military training.

Written by raed_admin

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