
Bait Almal: We respect the cease-fire to give an opportunity for a political solution and to avoid bloodshed.

The commander of the Sirte al-Jufra operations room, Brigadier Ibrahim Bait Almal, said Monday that the Libyan army forces respect the ceasefire and give the opportunity for a political solution; to avoid bloodshed.

Bait Almal added, in a statement to Al-Jazeera, that if any military movement was monitored for the militias of Haftar, the Russian mercenaries of Wagner and the Syrian mercenaries and the Janjaweed, it would initiate the military move.

Bait Almal confirmed that they monitor on a daily basis the arrival of military supplies and mercenaries to the Haftar militias in the city of Sirte and the Al-Jufra air base on Russian planes.

And Bait Almal expected that no Egyptian army forces would move towards the Libyan borders or enter into the oil crescent and the city of Sirte, in the center of the country.

It is worth noting that the spokesman for the Sirte-Aljufra Operations Room Brigadier General Abdulhadi Drah announced, earlier, the arrival of 5 Russian planes carrying mercenaries and ammunition to Sirte.

Written by raed_admin

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