
British Newspaper The Guardian: European opposition to a US proposal to appoint two UN envoys in Libya, one inside and one outside.

General Assembly Seventy-first session, 88th plenary meeting Request for an advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the legal consequences of the separation of the Chagos Archipelago from Mauritius in 1965: draft resolution (A/71/L.73)

The British Guardian newspaper said on Saturday that the United States insists on dividing the post of UN envoy to Libya between two envoys, one working inside and the other outside Libya, but this division finds opposition in European capitals and within the United States itself.

The newspaper pointed out that the former diplomat at the US State Department, and the Acting Special Representative for the United Nations Mission in Libya, Stephanie Williams, will leave her post in October, where she will have two months to ensure a ceasefire.

The newspaper added that the departure of Williams without a named successor highlights the diplomatic chaos, as the countries compete with each other to influence the outcome of a “civil war” that now relates in a large part to their military and economic share in Libya, according to the newspaper.

For her part, Williams said, ” Llibyans are exhausted and tired of war, and they want peace, but they fear that this is not in their hands now.” They want a solution, a ceasefire, and the alternative to ceasefire, and a comprehensive political solution is basically the destruction of their country, ”according to the Guardian.

It is worth noting that the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Mr. Antonio Gutters, has appointed Williams, last March, as Acting Special Representative and Head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya, to succeed former envoy Ghassan Salama.

Written by raed_admin

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