
After linking the 97 deputies in Tunisia to the 94th block in Libya … Abeer Moussa reveals the counter revolutions planning chamber.

The speech of Tunisian parliamentarian Abeer Moussa about the similarity of the 98 deputies who voted against Ghannouchi with what was known as Block 94 in Libya, in reference to the alliance that disrupted the work of the National Congress and caused a legislative void in the country at the time – makes the link between those behind the events, financing them and directing them being One party or one chamber which is planning a coup against the revolutions of the Arab Spring, and trying to bring back dictatorial regimes to the forefront of government again , acceptable and logical.

The failure of the coup

Tunisian parliamentarian Abeer Moussa stated, on Thursday, in television remarks, that the 98 deputies who voted to withdraw confidence from Ghannouchi remind her of the mass of 94 deputies in Libya that disrupted the General National Congress’s work at the time.

Moussa’s comments came after her failure to withhold confidence from House Speaker Rashid Ghannouchi, as only 97 deputies voted with the list, while approval needs at least 109 votes.

Parliament suspended

This attempt was not the only one it was preceded by many attempts to disrupt the sessions of the House of Representatives in Tunisia, where deputies of the Free Constitutional Party bloc held a sit-in for days inside the Parliament; Protesting against the presence of Ghannouchi in the presidency of the Council.

Moussa considered, in press statements, that Ghannouchi continuing to lead the parliament a threat to Tunisian national security, stressing that she will not allow him to chair any public session in the coming days.

Emirati support

For his part, Parliament Speaker Rashid Ghannouchi decided to file a lawsuit in the name of Parliament against the Free Constitutional Party bloc led by Moussa. Because of “her standing behind the disruption of parliament sessions,” he said.

Last March, Tunisian Alnahda Movement MP Bishr Chebbi filed a criminal complaint against Moussa for unlawfully earning money and disrupting Parliament, by receiving money from abroad, specifically from the UAE.

Logical Link

In the same context, Moussa’s affirmation of the link of the 98 deputies voting against Ghannouchi with the 94 deputies who impeded the work of the National Congress at the time – makes talking about one mentor and financier of these moves more acceptable and logical.

What is the bloc of 94?

The 94 bloc in Libya that Moussa mentioned in her statements was formed in October 2013, after 94 members withdrew from the sessions of the National Congress , representing 3 blocs: the liberal national power alliance, the independent opinion bloc which includes independent deputies, and “Ya Bilady” liberal party, which is what impeded the holding of the Congress sessions at the time for not reaching the quorum represented by 120 deputies out of a total of 200 deputies, and the 3 blocs were calling for the necessity of the then president of the conference, Nouri Abu Sahemin, to relinquish some of the powers granted to him.

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