
Photography sessions and short videos. This is all that remains for Haftar after his defeat in the Western Region.

The leader of the Alkarama militias, Khalifa Haftar, has nothing to do after his crushing loss on June 5, and the fleeing of his defeated militias accompanied by the Wagner and Janjawid mercenaries.

Haftar came out to his followers in a photo session with his militia who survived the defeat ,and his failed leaders who plunged the people of the eastern region, and the city of Tarhuna into a losing war during which thousands of young people lost their lives; as a price to send Haftar and his sons to the throne, but he did not even say anything to justify his defeat, or says to them, what is the price of all this blood?

2019 Zero hours

Haftar’s media appearance was contradictory since his announcement of the aggression on the capital, Tripoli, in early April 2019, as he was threatening of his victory, shown by his speeches through the platforms of his channels and the channels of his Arab supporters, interspersed with advertisements for several zero hours to storm Tripoli, which only achieved zero results.

Letters 2020

Signs of defeat and disappointment haunted Haftar after his forces were crushed and his aggression failed, and his supporters began abandoning him one by one, after announcing his mandate and his coup last May after it was confirmed his militia was defeated in the western region.

Haftar’s abandonment began and choosing the speaker of the Tobruk parliment, Aqeela Saleh, as a political front for the upcoming negotiations, and Haftar was left with only empty parades.

He appeared in videos talking to a number of his militias, trying to raise their collapsed morale, as the media channels that supported him were missing from the scene, they are now searching through their supporters for special political solution after the emergence of mass graves left by his militias in Tarhuna.

He assigned an employee to take pictures of him and his leaders who proved their failure, and in the absence of his militias commander in the western region, Abdulsalam Alhassi, who fled defeated from the city of Ghiryan.

The channel of Haftar’s son intensified its efforts; To mobilize his supporters in Benghazi; To go out in a supportive demonstration in Alqish Square, forcing citizens to enter and not leave without permission from his militias, and waving the flags of the countries supporting them in a scene that reflects the miserable situation they have reached , they were threatening to enter Tripoli and hang the image of this criminal on the wall of “Alsaraya Alhamra” not so far ago In the martyrs square before the GNA, the army, and its allies turn the table on all of them.

Written by raed_admin

To enhance diplomatic communication with the GNA … Moscow announces the reopening of its embassy in Tripoli.

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