
The US website “The Hill” : France is pushing Libya towards collapse as a result of the “Macron hypocrisy” policy.

The American site “The Hill” said on Sunday that if a European country was making devastating efforts to push Libya towards the brink of collapse, “it is France.”

In a report, The Hill described French President Emmanuel Macron’s statements as “hypocrisy”, Macron described the Libyan crises as increasingly complex. Because of foreign interference, especially since he continued to support Haftar even after he launched a military attack on Tripoli last year.

The site added that France chose to align with the UAE and Russia to support Haftar’s effort for what it called “invading Libya” by force and ruling the country as a “new Gaddafi”, indicating that France’s policy in Libya may harm the reputation of the European Union.

The site pointed out that without the support provided by Turkey to Libya, Russia would have succeeded in invading Libya, and the world would witness more mass graves and crimes committed by the militias of Haftar, such as the one that was discovered in Tarhuna after the escape of Haftar’s forces from the city.

It is worth noting that French President Emmanuel Macron said a few days ago that France did not support Haftar’s attack on Tripoli, denouncing the presence of Russian “Wagner” mercenaries in the oil fields and ports.

Written by raed_admin

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Haftar meets members of his militias defeated in Tripoli.