
Haftar hands over the largest oil fields to Wagner mercenaries after their defeat in the Western Region.

Oil losses since the closure of the Haftar militias of fields and ports last January approached more than 6 billion dollars, which made citizens’ livelihoods more difficult with the rise in the price of the dollar in the parallel market.

The repeated calls and demands of the National Oil Corporation to keep it and its institutions away from any political confrontations, and spare the Libyans’ main source of revenue, the consequences of that.

In a new escalation of events, the head of the National Oil Corporation, Mustafa Sanallah, confirmed on Friday that Russian and foreign mercenaries entered the Sharara oil field, pointing out that there are huge sums paid to the mercenaries to prevent the corporation from performing its basic duties.

Sanallah indicated that the effects and losses will be enormous due to the catastrophic damage to the infrastructure of the oil sector due to erosion and the inability of the Foundation’s employees to carry out basic maintenance work, stressing his categorical rejection of any attempts by any foreign countries to prevent the resumption of oil production.

Direct assault

The strongest reaction so far came from the United States Embassy in Libya, which described the intervention of “Wagner mercenaries” and other foreign mercenaries in the Sharara oil field – as “shameful interference” and a direct assault on Libya’s sovereignty.

The embassy renewed its country’s support for the National Oil Corporation to immediately resume oil production and restore Libyan sovereignty; To ensure that further external manipulation and military action are prevented.

Russian expansion

The journalist, Ali Abu Zaid, believes that Sanalllah’s statements confirm Russian intentions to expand and to exist strategically.

Abu Zaid instructed, in a statement to Arraed that this development is a sign that affirms the necessity for the concerned countries which the Russian presence represents a serious threat to their interests to make a move in Libya, and support the reconciliation government in a more serious manner.

Attempts to keep a low profile

The Egyptian writer Alaa Farouk said that the news circulating, of the arrival of Russian mercenaries from Aljufra region to the south is to try to divert attention from the now-important Sirte battle.

Farouk made it clear, in a statement to Arraed, that sending these mercenaries to the largest oil fields in Libya may be an attempt to put pressure by the Libyan East Camp on the GNA; To win a new negotiation card that can be used in any upcoming negotiations.

Farouk added that with international calls to remove “oil” from political and military conflicts, it remains a trump card to pressure even in the international community, as he put it.

Dangerious indication

For his part, journalist writer Abdullah Al-Kabeer said that the National Oil Corporation is doing its best to neutralize the oil sector from political and military conflict, pointing out that the Haftar camp, and behind it the countries that support it, does not want the GNA to regain control of the oil fields and ports to deprive them of the resources .

Al-Kabeer indicated, in a statement to Arraed, that Haftar no longer trusted the continued loyalty of local armed groups to him; He therefore pushes the mercenaries to establish control over the fields close to the GNA’s spheres of influence so that he will have a negotiating card in the negotiations after the conflict ends.

Al-Kabeer made it clear that the head of the Corporation announced the existence of these mercenaries clearly. Because he is responsible to the Libyans for the oil sector, pointing out that Wagner’s arrival in the oil fields is a worrying indicator that does not herald approaching of a political solution, and it will provoke America and some western countries.

Written by raed_admin

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