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Human Rights Watch: Haftar militias laid mines to punish civilians.

On Saturday, Mark Hesnay, the assistant director of the Human Rights Watch division, planted mines in areas where the Haftar militias were, is a punishment for the civilian population and there was no military benefit from them.

The Los Angeles Times reported that more than 200,000 displaced people face a new threat while trying to return to their homes. Because there are hundreds of mines, explosive devices, booby traps and ammunition left behind by the Haftar militia as a “gift,” according to the newspaper.

It is worth noting that after their expulsion by the Libyan army from the south of the capital, the Haftar militias left many explosives, mines and booby traps that killed more than 30 civilians and injured 100 others.

Justice and Construction Party: mass graves are crimes that violate laws, and confirm the ugliness of the military project.

Sawan to the French “Liberation”: We believe in democracy and reject extremist ideology.