
Libyan and Turkish Foreign Ministries respond to the five-sided statement and consider it a “blatant interference” from the “axis of evil”.

Last November, Libya and Turkey signed an agreement to cooperate in the security and maritime fields, which received disapproving reactions from countries that support Haftar and fight Turkey.

The foreign ministries of Egypt, Greece, Cyprus, and France, with the participation of the UAE, issued a statement Monday, claiming that the agreement threatens regional stability, and contradicts international law and the arms embargo imposed by the United Nations on Libya, and this is what forced the Libyan and Turkish foreign ministries to respond to this interference.

The owner of the criminal record

In its response, the Libyan Foreign Ministry said that the UAE has nothing but hostility to Turkey and Libya, even though it has a clear criminal record, and that the statement of the foreign ministers of the five countries leave the door open for chaos and instability in the region, which is a blatant interference and falsification of facts.

The Foreign Ministry added, in a statement, that the UAE is a non-Mediterranean country, which suggests the existence of other aims and objectives for it, and that what prompted it to participate in the statement is solidarity with another aggressor and interfering in Libyan affairs.

Evil alliances

For its part, the Turkish Foreign Ministry affirmed that peace can not be achieved in the region by creating “alliances of evil”, but rather through genuine and sincere cooperation and dialogue.

The Turkish Foreign Ministry said that the joint statement is a typical example of the hypocrisy of these countries that seek chaos and regional instability through their policies.

The Foreign Ministry considered that Greece and Cyprus seeking the help of non-regional actors that are not related to the issue, instead of engaging with the concerned parties – can only result from colonial and mandatory logic. The Foreign Ministry attributed the reason for the UAE’s participation in the statement, despite its lack of relationship to the situation on the Mediterranean ,to its hostility towards Turkey and Libya, which is clearly visible.

Written by raed_admin

Discrepancies in the statement of the foreign affairs of Egypt, Cyprus, Greece and France, with the participation of the UAE, which does not overlook the Mediterranean.

After the massive disapproval of his coup locally and internationally … Haftar backs down and declares his commitment to the legitimacy of the deputies.