
Military source: targeting of civilians by the collapsed militias of Haftar, is proof of its failure and defeat.

Every day, the people of the capital Tripoli bury civilians martyrs , as Haftar militias target their residential neighborhoods, and the number of civilian martyrs has reached more than 35 martyrs in the holy month of Ramadan so far.

This repeated and systematic bombing of safe people in Tripoli, which Al-Mismari described as the “Toyor Ababeel” operation, which the Libyan army forces responded to forcefully.

Arraed Network has interviewed some military leaders and analysts about this repeated targeting of these militias for civilians, and ways to stop this continued bleeding of unarmed people in Tripoli.

Unable to progress

The commander of the Ain Zara axis, with the operation of the volcano of anger, “Youssef Al-Amin” believes that the artillery and missile targeting of Haftar militias was expected, after he was unable to achieve any progress, and incurred heavy losses after every attempt made.

He continued, “Al-Amin”, in his speech to Arraed, that the army forces were not satisfied with targeting civilians, so they opened fire and responded to sources of fire from Haftar militia in all axes.

Al-Amin stressed that the targeting of Haftar’s militia was aimed at forcing the National Accord government to accept the truce, and forcing the “negligent” international community to intervene to save Haftar from his latest setbacks and defeats.

Respond to fire sources

The commander of the Al-Sawani Chamber, in the operation of the volcano of anger, “Mohamed Bin Ajala”, stated that targeting Haftar militias for civilians has not stopped since their attack on Tripoli, adding that the frequency of targeting increased after its inability to achieve any significant progress.

“Bin Ajala” added to Arraed, that the targeting led to the destruction of the infrastructure, such as hospitals, airports, schools and factories, and even animals were not spared from it, he said.

Bin Ajala confirmed that the operation forces neutralized the fire sources after targeting and destroying them, explaining that they had succeeded in destroying 30 between a cannon, a Grad vehicle, a rocket launcher, and a mortar platform to protect civilian lives in the capital.

Collapse and fabrication of imaginary triumphs

The military analyst, Brigadier Saeed Al-Malti, said that the successive victories achieved by the Libyan army forces made it difficult for these militias to confront them except to target civilians.

In his statement to Arraed, Al-Malti affirmed the collapse of Haftar’s besieged militias in the south of the capital, Tripoli, and the base of Alwittia, and Tarhuna, recalling the fact that these militias have resorted to talking about fake baseless victories.

Al-Malti noted the occurrence of confusion in the ranks of the militias of Haftar, and the presence of a deficiency in its fighters, explaining that what made matters worse for his camp was his announcement of the mandate that showed his truth to those involved with him.

Revenge for her defeats

The Libyan army spokesman, Colonel Pilot, “Mohamed Qanunu “, described the Haftar militias’ resort to the indiscriminate shelling of the Tripoli neighborhoods as revenge for their defeats and losses in the battlefield.

Qanunu explained, in his speech to Arraed, that the critical field situation of the war criminal, Khalifa Haftar, was what made him flounder in his movements and statements, stressing that showing excessive force towards civilians is another indication of the countdown to his resounding defeat coming soon, as he described it.

Written by raed_admin

Assault on medical staff and sabotage of operating room equipment and the ambulance department of Al-Jalaa Hospital, Benghazi.

Another failed adventure of Haftar’s militias, and their media paints imaginary victories in the virtual world.