
Another failed adventure of Haftar’s militias, and their media paints imaginary victories in the virtual world.

A new zero hour and another failed attack on axes south of the capital, after the army forces repulsed an attempt to advance by Haftar militias in the axes of Salah Adin and Almashrou supported by Russian Wagner mercenaries.

Haftar fought a new adventure with his supporters and his media to paint the features of an imaginary victory on the night of the seventeenth of Ramadan. The failed attack coincided with a misleading campaign launched by the pro-Haftar media by promoting fabricated news about their entry into the Abu Sleem area, their advance towards the Farnaj and Asarraj escaping outside the country.

The introduction to this attack was launched since the early morning, with approximately 100 rockets fired by Haftar militias on the densely populated areas of Abu Sleem, Zawiyat Al-Dahmani, and the Souq Aljumaa, resulting in the killing of at least 15 civilians and the injury of dozens, in an operation called by Al-Mesmari “Toyor Ababeel”.

The misleading media campaign started by the Egyptian parliamentarian, “Mustafa Bakry”, with tweets about the escape of President of the Presidential Council, Fayez Asarraj, to Malta, and on the advance of the Haftar militias inside Tripoli. Towards the Martyrs Square.

It was not long before their lies were revealed with the first threads of dawn, it became clear to their supporters the extent of the lies and the misinformation they had suffered.

The army forces repelled the attack of the Haftar militias and incured on them heavy losses in equipment and lives, and the security forces in the Abu Sleem area were able to arrest some of the sleeping cells in Haftar ranks that tried to stir unrest behind the army lines.

The writer and political analyst Mohammed Buisir described the recent movements of Haftar militias as a “catastrophic failure” by repeating them time and time again, repelling his attack, destroying his mechanisms, arresting his followers, and committing crimes that lead him to the war criminals courts, and the continuation of the reconciliation forces plan that was not hindered by this childish adventure, In pursuit of him until the gate of his camp.

Buisir wondered, in his article, how would Haftar tell people that he was lying to them when they woke up in the morning and found out that nothing of what he said happened ? Considering that Haftar’s conquests always came late at night times.

Some observers believe that the recent Haftar militias attack came to try to raise their morale, which collapsed after the Libyan army forces achieved successive victories in the axis of Almashrou and the base of Alwittia and the siege of their entire militias in the city of Tarhuna since April 18 last.

Written by raed_admin

Military source: targeting of civilians by the collapsed militias of Haftar, is proof of its failure and defeat.

Qatar condemns the bombing of Haftar militias on the capital.