
After his military failure, Haftar calls on the people to authorize him to rule the country. Will he succeed in that?

In a clear demonstration and announcement of his inability to break into the capital, which for more than a year he kept his followers dreaming of enering it in 48-hours , and in multiple zero hours, he kept repeating it and returning to it after every failure – Haftar went out yesterday calling on the people to authorize him to rule the country.

Hifter turned against all legitimacy, he did not take a lesson from the war or politics, and after shedding the blood of the Libyans and destroying their homes, villages and infrastructure and displacing hundreds of thousands of them, in addition to putting stress on their lives and destroying their livelihood, now he looks to his followers to ask them to delegate the institution that they choose to manage the affairs of Country, and he meant himself without a doubt.

implicit admission of his failure

The writer Ali Abuzayd confirmed that Haftar’s request for authorization to rule Libya implicitly acknowledged his military failure to reach power. Abu Zaid said, in a statement to Arraed, that the request for delegation is an expression of the state of bankruptcy and political impotence, especially since the mentality of tyranny in power is controlling him, and this hollow and rigid speech may be the beginning of his collapse and his supporters leaving him.

Acknowledgment of defeat

For his part, the writer Abdullah Al-Kabeer considered that what he described as “the authorization play” will not increase Haftar’s authority, as he is the absolute ruler of the eastern region with the power of fear.

In a statement to Arraed, Al-Kabeer explained that Haftar is now aware that he was defeated and will not control Tripoli militarily with the decline of regional support for him, so he went out with the mandate play, which is a fun comedy in the theater, but it is useless in reality, because the authority has no path other than free and fair elections. .

Al-Kabeer emphasized that the free cities and the free people who made the great sacrifices against the hordes of the Janjaweed, Wagner and Mudakhala and those idiots or opportunists who followed them – will not be ruled by this defeatist.

An explicit admission of defeat

For his part, the writer and journalist Ibrahim Omar said that Haftar’s speech last night was, without a doubt, a confession of defeat even if he did not say that explicitly.

Omar added, in a statement to Arraed, that Haftar has always addressed the whole world that there is no return from entering and liberating the capital as he claims, and he rejected all solutions, broke all covenants, and his latest speech shows him at the level of the helpless, who can give up everything in order to govern and control by all means, even if by begging to his followers, to install him as a ruler.

Haftar , who failed in all his coup attempts and plans that were always bloody , he demands his supporters and followers to delegate him to rule the countries in which he has not left a family without tasting death and torment, what a successful leader who wants the good of the country and the people after all the crimes he committed.

Written by raed_admin

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