
Military people : The collapse of the Haftar militia is due to the army’s tactics and lack of harmony among militias.

Since the Libyan army launched Operation Peace Storm , which began striking at the depth of the Haftar militia at the Alwittiah airbase, the collapse has slowly started to appear on these militias.

The solidity and cohesion of these militias appeared when the army attacked the cities of Sorman and Sabratah on the 13th of April, and it only lasted for two hours in these two cities that their media have long boasted to control, but the reality revealed the truth of the strength of these militias, which quickly collapsed in front of army strikes.

The loss of the Haftar militias in Sabratha, Sorman, and the cities of the West Coast that the army managed to control in a few hours was negatively reflected, and its wounds deepened in Tarhuna, and it retreated significantly in front of the army’s attack on the city, what makes many wonder about the reasons for this collapse?

Army tactic caused the crash

Military expert Adel Abdel-Kafi attributed the collapse of the Haftar militia to tactics, surprise, secrecy, and a lightning-fast attack by the army forces storming the coastal cities and Tarhuna, and targeting of the air force with a 6-hour operation on 9 important targets inside the city.

Abdul Kafi added in a statement to Arraed that the other factor that caused the collapse of the militias is the difficulty of supporting Haftar to his militia by air, which led to this rapid collapse in recent days.

Lack of harmony

The leader in the Tripoli Military Region, Brigadier Pilot Saeed Al-Malti, attributed the causes of the Haftar militias’ defeat quickly to the lack of harmony among the groups, a mixture of criminal groups from the Al-Kani group and the battalions called Salafists from the Tariq bin Ziyad and Mahmoud al-Warfali brigades supported by the current movement, in addition to the Wagner and Janjaweed mercenaries and the previous regime forces .

Al-Malti said, in a statement to Arraed that each group of these militias has a specific interest, and there is no unified command for them, nor a unified plan, or orders from one command, adding that the Haftar militias do not have a just cause, and most of them flee when they feel in danger, like what their Commander Abdul Salam Al-Hassi did by fleeing from Gharyan

In light of the retreat of the militia of Haftar and the army’s expansion of its control over the cities and regions occupied by Haftar a year ago, the question remains, will the countries supporting Haftar continue to support him, or will they pursue a diplomatic course and improve relations with the GNA ?

Written by raed_admin

Erdogan: The world must support the legitimate GNA , and we will stand up to any conspiracy in the Mediterranean.

UNHCR: More than 48 thousand refugees and 380 thousand displaced as a result of the aggression.