
Press promises from Health Ministry officials … The reality, failure to confront the Corona pandemic.

Every time, the Minister of Health, Ahmed bin Omar or his deputy Minister, Mohamed Haitham Issa, issue a statements,or appear in interviews, or a press conference, in order to try to clarify what it has accomplished or what the ministry is trying to acheive, and here we mean its efforts in combating the Corona pandemic.

The ministry says its officials will accomplish, work and implement, but these efforts and statements did not produce clear and obvious results on the ground, and this was proven when the first case of coronavirus infection was announced in Libya.

No concrete or clear steps.

In this regard, political analyst Abdullah Al-Kabeer said that there are no concrete or clear steps taken by the Ministry of Health to confront Corona until now.

Al-Kabeer added, in a statement to Arraed, that there should not be personalities at the head of the crisis committee which are rejected by the municipalities, because there are qualified people that can be used and assigned from outside the circle surrounding the President himself, and insists on them despite the suspicions of corruption that hover over them, indicating that In order for the Reconciliation agreement not to separate itself from the Reconciliation government, it must listen to the municipalities and respond flexibly to their demands.

Al-Kabeer explained that the pivotal role in confronting the pandemic lies with the doctors and the medical assistance teams, and they need support, motivation and provision of all requirements for preventing infection so that they can work with confidence and safety, wondering what did the Health Ministry do in light of the continuing complaint about the lack of this equipment in hospitals?.

Slow move

For his part, the writer Ali Abuzaid saw that, given the time the Ministry of Health moved, it was too late, and this is a big mistake that will make containment of the pandemic a difficult challenge, especially in the current circumstances in Libya.

Abuzaid stressed, in a statement to Arraed, that the state of secrecy and lack of transparency would increase the anxiety and confusion of the citizens, and this would exacerbate the situation, and I believe that the Presidential Council is required to reconsider the committee in charge of confronting the pandemic, as well as in some personalities of the Ministry of Health, and put stricter mechanisms in the disbursement of the allocated budget amid constant talk of corruption that is eatinging at the body of the ministry.

The Ministry of Health is no exception

For his part, the writer and journalist Ibrahim Omar believes that the Ministry of Health was not an exception, as it is like all ministries, bodies and institutions in the state – unable to do anything at all times.

Omar explained that any ministry that can not provide what is expected is due to many reasons, the first of which is choosing the official in it according to the criteria of quotas or shares, and arguing about the lack of funds and equipments.

Omar added, in a statement to Arraed, that the Ministry of Health had been incapacitated for a long time, so how about them in this special and urgent case that requires rapid response, performance and rapid communication with the medical staff, and the ability to meet a challenge the size of Corona.

The Ministry of Health is still required to move quickly and perform, and the most important and urgent thing to do is to encourage and motivate medical staff to deal with cases quickly and professionally, and to expedite the provision of health isolation rooms that they say they are in the process of preparing.

Written by raed_admin

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