
Debrez: Stefani’s US citizenship will reduce the imposition of agenda by regional parties in the Libyan crisis.

Member of the Supreme Council of State, Belqasem Debrez, said that the appointment of Stephanie Williams as head of the international mission in Libya, even if it is temporary,but not without positives.

Debrez added in a statement to Arraed that Stephanie is fully aware of the little details of things in the Libyan file, so she can save a lot of time and effort if she is serious in her intentions and works with integrity and impartiality.

Debrez emphasized that Ghassan Salama’s bias, weakness and dependency had failed his mission and resulted in that “catastrophic” failure to create signs of peace, reconciliation and settlement, and these are free trials for “Stephanie” and her team to avoid the mistakes of her predecessor according to his expression.

Debrez pointed out that there are regional and international parties whose role will be diminished and their agenda will not be imposed on Stephanie for many reasons, perhaps the most prominent of which is her gender.

Debrez pointed out that one of the most important things that may happen if the intentions are clear is a referendum on the constitution that will fortify the country, end tampering and rebellion, and authorize the birth of the state of institutions and law. The civil state.

On Wednesday, Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, appointed “Stephanie Williams”, Acting Special Representative and Head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya, to succeed former representative Ghassan Salama, who announced his resignation at the beginning of this month because of his health.

Written by Journalist

The Guardian: The Emirates supplied Hifter with more than 5 thousand tons of military supplies.

Will Williams have better luck and succeed where Salama failed?