
Hifter’s visit to France, how is it related to Erdogan’s statements on the Russian role?

The commander of the aggression against Tripoli, Khalifa Hifter, left his hideout in Alrajmah, heading to France to renew his alliance with it, after ignoring it when he received the support of Russia, which provided him with the Wagner mercenaries.

Hifter, who was obliged by the Russian President last January to sit at the dialogue table and give up the military uniform that he had supported for years before the reconciliation government signed a memorandum of cooperation with Turkey, contributed to reducing the Russian role as a result of Turkish pressure.

Turkish success

Perhaps Hifter’s moves towards France are revealed by the statements of Turkish President Rejep Tayyip Erdogan, who said, on March 4, that his Russian counterpart, “Vladimir Putin” will take positive steps on Russian mercenaries “Wagner” who are among the ranks of the Haftar militias.

Hifter’s media tried to portray Hifter’s visit to France as he is getting support from them for his project that he has failed to achieve so far, without publishing any photo showing the moment of the meeting or arrival.

This confirms the statements of the Turkish President that Russia began withdrawing the “Wagner” from Libya to put Hifter in a dark tunnel that pushed him to run to France to avoid a resounding defeat at the hands of the Libyan army, which Hifter could not defeat with all the support that was being offered to him.

Russia responds

Russia questioned Hifter’s visit through the “Russia Today” news agency, and published a news that the Elysee denied Hifter’s arrival to Paris, but the French presidency announced that Hifter confirmed during his meeting with President Emmanuel Macron his readiness to sign the ceasefire provided that the reconciliation government adheres to it.

French press sources reported that Macron directed Hifter to Germany to meet Merkel for the purpose of his signature of the ceasefire he refused to sign in Moscow.

Obsevers believe that Turkey, which has succeeded in reducing Russian support for Hifter and changed the course of Libyan events on the international scene, may turn to support the GNA in a military operation that will destroy Hifter and his militias, especially after neutralizing the Russian role which was supporting him.

Written by Journalist

Observers: Hifter’s visit to France and Germany is an announcement of his military failure.

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