
Bait Almal: Army forces are hunting the remnants of Hifter militias east of Bograin.

The commander of the Military Operations Chamber of Sirte -Al-Jufra, Brigadier General Ibrahim Bait Almal, confirmed, in a statement to Arraed on Sunday, that the army forces maintain all their positions west of the city of Sirte, and pursue the remnants of Hifter militias in the east of Bouqrin area, after suffering a heavy loss of life and equipment.

In a related context, the Libyan army spokesman, Colonel Pilot Mohamed Gnunu, said that “Hifter militias” had violated the ceasefire again, in an attempt to advance towards Abograin.

Gnunu said, according to the media center for Operation Volcano of Anger that the army maintains its positions and pursues “Hifter militias” towards Alwishka, adding that its fighters shelled with indiscriminate shells the project road in Tripoli.

The Hifter militias have repeatedly violated the ceasefire, the most recent of which was the launch of a Grad missile on Sunday night in the Shorfat Almalaha area of ​​the Municipality of Souq Al-Jumaa, which led to the killing of a Moroccan and the wounding of 3 Libyans.

Written by raed_admin

Why is Saudi Arabia funding Russian “Wagner” mercenaries to kill Libyans?

The army forces repelled an attempt to advance by Hifter Militants east of Abograin.