
“Middle East Eye”: Sisi is not satisfied with Hifter’s failure and is considering withdrawing support from him.

Private sources told the Middle East Eye News website that Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Asisi is not satisfied with the failed attack, launched by Khalifa Hifter on Tripoli, and that the Egyptian authorities are reviewing its support and are perhaps seeking to replace him.

In a report “an informed Algerian source,” explained to Middle East Eye website that “The communication between officials in Cairo and Hifter is largely deteriorating, and that the Egyptian authorities decided to transfer the case of Hifter to military intelligence.”

The Algerian source revealed to the website, citing an Egyptian diplomatic source, that Asisi had canceled a meeting that had been scheduled recently with Hifter, to the point that Hifter was forced to request support from other places, including Russia and Greece, according to the site.

The site indicated that the recent Russian pressure on Egypt forced Asisi to respond positively to the Ceasefire agreement in Libya without Cairo having a role in drafting the agreement. The source pointed out that the Egyptian authorities held Hifter responsible for the deteriorating situation in Libya and the threat of a regional war, which made the officials in Cairo seriously considering replacing Hifter with another person, according to the site.

It is worth noting that the President of the Presidential Council, Fayez Asarraj, demanded, Thursday, the authorities in Egypt to change its stance on supporting Haftar and aligning with the stance of the legitimate government who is fighting against the coup leaders who want to overthrow the legitimacy.

Written by raed_admin

Turkish Defense Minister: We have a team for military training and consulting in Libya in accordance with the agreement with the GNA.

The “Independent”: “Hifter admitted that he does not have control over all his forces .. and Algeria considers him an an Egyptian agent.