
Kannah: The Bombing Of An Aircraft Carrying The Injured Is An Immoral And Inhumane Act, And Is This How Terrorism Is Fought?

The commander of the military zone of Sabha, Ali Kanah, on Sunday, described the bombing attempt of a civilian plane that came from Tripoli to transport the wounded by another plane belonging to Al-Karama forces as an immoral and inhumane act.

In a media statement, Kannah said that he was on board the plane coming from Tripoli. The rockets landed outside Al-Feel Oilfield at a close distance from the plane itself, and there were no material or humanitarian casualties.

Kannah wondered is this the way to liberate the south and how terrorism is fought… by bombing a strategic oilfield as Al-Karama’s leadership announced? He expressed his deep regret for what happened.

The presidential council (PC) condemned the bombing of the airline by Al-Karama forcesin Al-Feel Oilfield, which came to transport the injured from the armed clashes in the south, describing this act as an act of terrorism.

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