
After Closing the Town Hall, Al-Khayali Holds the Protesters the Responsibility of Damaging Sabha

The mayor of Sabha Hamed Al-Khayali, on Sunday, blamed the city’s protesters for any damage that may have been caused to the inhabitants of Sabha after they rejected the arrival of the crisis committee mandated by the presidential council to solve the strangulations of the city and the south in general.

In a statement to ArraedLg, Al-Khayali clarified that the municipality is going to inform the Attorney General and the Presidential Council of what this group is doing, saying said that they forced the guards of the municipality to leave and closed the building and the central bank.

Al-Khayali pointed out that what the protesters do will harm the citizens, noting that among the presidential delegation that intends to go to Sabha, director of the General Company for Services and Hygiene, which will solve the Sewage problem in the city.

Khayali added that he asked the director of the Directorate to know the demands of these “well-known” individuals, he said, but they refused to clarify their demands and threatened to close the airport and all the vital facilities in the city.

Protesters closed the headquarters of Sabha’s Municipality on Saturday night, threatening to close all the city’s facilities without disclosing their demands.

Written by raed_admin

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