
The United Nations Condemns the Armed Assault on Al-Jalaa Hospital in Tripoli

The United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNMIS) condemned the attack by one of the “militias” at the Al-Jalaa’S women and childbirth hospital in Tripoli.

On its official website, on Monday, the mission said that the gunmen shot a doctor and threatened his safety and the security of the hospital’s medical staff, which led to the suspension of all medical services for three days.

The Mission called for a halt to the “ongoing acts of violence” against medical facilities and for those responsible for such attacks to be brought to justice for “crimes that could amount to war crimes under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court”.

The mission expressed its solidarity with the staff of Al-Jalaa hospital and medical personnel throughout Libya.

Between May 2017 and May 2018, the United Nations Mission recorded 36 attacks on medical facilities, medical personnel or patients throughout Libya.

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