
HCS welcomes cease-fire agreement in Tripoli

The High Council of State welcomed the cease-fire agreement reached in Zawiya city by the efforts of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL), calling on all parties concerned to abide by what is stated therein.

In a statement, the HCS called on the Presidential Council (PC) to abide by security arrangements in accordance with the political agreement that will ensure that such events are not repeated and to carry out economic reforms that will positively affect the lives of citizens.

The Council stressed that the only and correct way to overcome any dispute is to resort to dialogue and stop the war and bloodshed, praising all efforts made to achieve reconciliation between Libyans, especially Zawiya municipal council.

On Tuesday, the United Nations Support Mission in Libya announced a ceasefire agreement an end to all hostilities, protection of civilians, preservation of public and private property and the reopening of Mitiga International Airport.

Written by raed_admin

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