
US, UK, France & Italy urge armed groups to cease military action in Tripoli

The governments of the United States of America, France, Italy and the United Kingdom urged on Saturday armed groups to immediately end all military actions inside the city of Tripoli.

In a joint statement, the four countries reiterated their condemnation of the “intensification” of the ongoing escalation of violence in and around Tripoli, stressing that targeting civilians and indiscriminate attacks is prohibited under international humanitarian law.

The statement stressed that attempts to weaken the legitimate Libyan authorities and disrupt the political process are unacceptable, warning those who tamper with security in Tripoli or elsewhere in Libya that they will be held accountable.

The four countries stressed their strong and sustained support for the United Nations plan of action in Libya, calling on all actors to refrain from any action that would threaten the political framework established by the United Nations-led mediation, to which the international community is fully committed.

Armed clashes south of the capital Tripoli is still ongoing, leaving many dead and wounded, including civilians.

Written by raed_admin

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