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Civil Status: 60 year old officers of police will be referred to retirement

The Civil Status Department requested on Wednesday, from branches to provide them “urgently” with birth certificates of members of the police force, who have reached the legal retirement age.

In a letter on its official page, the department said that it relied on article 95 of law No. 10 of year 1992about regulating the work of security and police personals, which stipulates the termination of the service of a member of the police force at the age of 60, and referring them to retirement.

The civil status called on the need of departments, department’s subsidiaries and issuing offices to transmit the requested documents in a period of two weeks, maximum, from the beginning of January 2018.

Those referred to in the department’s letter for referral to retirement are members and officers of the police, who were born in 1958.

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