
#Misrata Municipal Council demands that the Attorney General disclose abuses within prisons

The Misrata Municipal Council demanded that the Attorney General’s Office investigate violations within prison, reveal “the full truth of the crimes committed against all Libyans”, and bring the perpetrators of such crimes to justice.

The Council condemned the torture and extrajudicial killings conducted without judicial rulings; stressing the need for security and police forces to comply with the proper legal procedures in all stages, from the beginning of the arrest and investigation to imprisonment.

In a statement published on Wednesday, the council urged the responsible authorities to ensure that fair trials are conducted. The council also called on human rights organizations to monitor the human rights situation in Libyan prisons.

The council called upon judicial institutions to expedite the completion of investigations and the trials of detainees and defendants; rectifying the legal status. In addition the council declared their refusal to attack official state institutions, interfere with their jurisdiction or issue charges and sentences without proof- as this would turn the issue into  “an arena for political and ideological conflicts”.

Recently the relevant authorities fired the commander of the crime control unit in Misrata, Milad Al-Saweyi, due to the death of a detainee. There were no explanations provided alluding to the circumstances causing the detainee’s death.

In addition, the undersecretary of the Ministry of the Interior, Abdul Salam Ashour, assigned Lieutenant Colonel Ali Al-Dharat as the head of the Investigation Bureau at the Criminal Investigation Branch in Misrata.

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