
Haftar meets Al-Hijazi in Cairo to discuss possible Egyptian air strikes in Libya

According to a source in the Egyptian committee of Libyan Affairs, The head of Operation Dignity, Khalifa Haftar, will meet with the Egyptian army Chief of staff in Cairo on Saturday, to discuss the possibility of releasing  air strikes in Libya.

According to the site of Al-Arabi Al- Jadid, the source who did not reveal his name said, “that Haftar with a number of his aides will attend the meeting, and will identify a number of areas to target with air strikes, starting with Ajdabiya and Derna,” according to the posting on the site.

Al-Arabi Al-Jadid added that the airstrikes that are to be carried out by Egypt will be  in the frame of “rectifying the impact of the incident in the province of Giza.” The source added that the meeting will discuss plans to secure the border between Egypt and Libya, which falls within the scope of the influence of Haftar..

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Written by raed_admin

Ahmed Al-Mesmari: Military Officers from Libya will meet in Cairo with Egyptian Army Chief of Staff.

Mass condemnation of the killing and dumping of the 36 bodies in Abyar and calls for the initiation of an investigation