
Germany Shifts Position on Migrants

(Author: Libyan Gazette Editorial Staff)


Over the weekend, refugees on route to Sicily from Libya were rescued by a navy vessel and were taken to Augusta port in Sicily.

A total 576 refugees were rescued on the Mediterranean from seven different rescue missions this weekend.

The body of a young Somali, who died on the journey to Sicily from tuberculosis, was recovered and also taken to Sicily.

A Norwegian vessel rescued another group of refugees off Libyan shores.

One of the refugees who was in need of medical attention was lifted to land by a coastguard helicopter.

Refugees fleeing Africa to Europe are often found on the Mediterranean Sea in crowded boats, usually in poor condition.

The route from Turkey to Greece is the safer and shorter journey for refugees fleeing by sea. However, since last year that route has been for the most part shut down to refugees fleeing to Europe.

The rescue missions took place as Germany decided to tighten its border controls with Switzerland. Switzerland’s finance minister, Ueli Maurer, commented on Germany’s action saying that this is evidence that Germany is no longer interested in welcoming refugees.

Written by raed_admin

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