
ISIS Militants Kill 4 Libyan Soldiers

(Author: Libyan Gazette Editorial Staff)


Four Libyan soldiers were killed and over 30 wounded in clashes between ISIS militants and the Government of National Accord’s (GNA) military forces near the city of Misrata.

“Two suicide bombers, one in a vehicle and one on a motorbike, blew themselves up at the checkpoint where troops had gathered and clashes then broke out between our forces and the ISIS fighters,” a spokesman for the Government of National Accord’s (GNA) operations room against ISIS told AFP on Thursday.

The attack took place Wednesday evening at the Sadada checkpoint, which is 80 kilometres south of Misrata, Libya’s third largest city.

ISIS militants overran the Abu Grein checkpoint last week after launching a suicide attack from their stronghold in Sirte.

In response to the attack, the GNA established a military operation room in Misrata in preparation for an offensive against ISIS held Sirte.

The Libyan Army has established an information centre on Facebook to keep the public informed on the developments of its newly established operation room, which they named “Albinyan Almarsos.”

According to the Facebook page, the Libyan Army stated that they were able to successfully regain control of the Sadada checkpoint and have progressed several kilometres east of where the clashes with ISIS forces took place.

The bombing at the Sadada checkpoint prevented ISIS militants from progressing towards the military post, and while Libyan armed forces made important progress against ISIS forces clashes continue.

Twenty-seven of the soldiers injured during the clashes were released from the hospital with minimal care required, while 11 soldiers are recovering from minor to medium injuries, and one soldier is still in critical condition, reported the Libyan Army.

The extremist group has taken advantage of Libya’s political conflict and security vacuum  after the 2011 uprising which toppled Muammar Gaddafi, allowing them to build a stronghold in Sirte.

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