
Libyan Gazette Weekly News Digest 07/25: “France Violates Libya’s Sovereignty”

News Digest
July 25, 2016

Your top stories from the past week:

War for Eastern Libya

(Author: Libyan Gazette Editorial Staff) 30 bodies were found dead in eastern Libya on Friday. 14 bodies were found in a garbage bin in Benghazi and were brought by the Red Crescent to the Benghazi Medical Centre. It was evident that all 14 were killed execution style as they all had gunshot wounds to the head as reported by a …

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(Author: Libyan Gazette Editorial Staff) President Francois Hollande confirmed Wednesday that three French soldiers on board a helicopter in eastern Libya were killed. Hollande has called it an “accident” contradicting Defend Benghazi Brigade (DBB)’s statement who claim they shot down the helicopter. DBB said the helicopter carrying the French troops belonged to General Khalifa Haftar who they oppose. “At this …

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The Defend Benghazi Brigade reported on Monday that more than 30 of Haftar’s forces were killed in clashes in an area known as Al-Maqroun in the outskirts of Benghazi. Suluq General Hospital released a medical report stating that over 25 of Haftar’s men sustained injuries from the clashes and the hospital pronounced 10 of Haftar’s men were dead. Defend Benghazi …

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(Author: Libyan Gazette Editorial Staff) Defending Benghazi Brigade (DBB), a militia group in eastern Libya, is reported to have shot down a helicopter carrying French special forces on Sunday. The Libyan officials who reported the crash on Tuesday have requested to remain anonymous as they report to not have authority to speak to the press. One of the Libyan officials …

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War on ISIS:

(Author: Libyan Gazette Editorial Staff) On Sunda-y ISIS in Sirte launched two separate failed attacks on GNA loyal forces. The first attack took place near Ouagadougou Hall where ISIS fighters were taken out by GNA fighter jets. In the second attack ISIS fighters attempted to sneak through an area between neighbourhoods known as Saffron and 700 when they were ambushed …

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(Author: Libyan Gazette Editorial Staff) The Libyan Government of National Accord has finally decided to react to power outages in Libya’s capital. Improving the living conditions of Tripoli residence has been an ignored issue for way too long. Power shortages became unbearably especially during the month of Ramadan making fasting in the desert heat an excruciating experience. The continuous electricity …

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(Author: Libyan Gazette Editorial Staff) Martin Kobler, the UN special envoy to Libya, has been calling for the formation of three regional Libyan armies, one for the western region, one for eastern region and one for the southern region. Meanwhile Prime Minister Fayez Al-Sarraj has been calling on his people to unify and stand together to defend Libya from the …

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(Republished From: Al Jazeera) By: Natasha Ghoneim Survivors tell of horror at the hands of smugglers and say they would rather “die at sea” than return to Libya.   The anguished faces and the stories of desperate journeys have been supplanted by scenes of bloody attacks around the globe and racial tensions in the United States. But determination for a peaceful …

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(Republished From: Al Monitor) German navy soldiers take part in a drill for a search and rescue operation near the Sicilian port city of Catania, Italy, July 4, 2015.  (photo by REUTERS/Fabrizio Bensch) The European Union is taking steps to beef up its struggling efforts against human smuggling and trafficking from Libya, but until the country is politically stable, the changes …

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(Author: Libyan Gazette Editorial Staff) After a three-day hearing London’s High Court set a date for the lawsuit between the Libyan Investment Authority (LIA) and Societe Generale (SocGen), a French investment bank, over the $67 billion investment of Libya’s sovereign wealth. The date set is April 25, 2017 four months after the original court date. The LIA is suing SocGen …

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(Author: Libyan Gazette Editorial Staff) On Monday legal counsel for Societe Generale (SocGen), a French investment bank, requested a postponement for the lawsuit filed by the Libyan Investment Authority (LIA) against SocGen. SocGen is being sued for trades it facilitated for the LIA in 2007 and 2009. The lawsuit is for $2.1 billion. Adrian Beltrami, one of the lawyers representing …

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(Author: Libyan Gazette Editorial Staff) Court sessions continue in the lawsuit filed by the Libyan Investment Authority (LIA) against the American investment bank Goldman Sachs. In a recent court appearance an expert witness said the investments that Goldman was able to persuade the LIA to take on were “dint of risk and complexity”, an allegation that Goldman denies. The LIA …

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