
Macron: “Wagner” loot Libya’s resources and commits horrific crimes against civilians.

French President Emmanuel Macron accused Wagner’s mercenaries of looting the resources of the Libyan state, warning against the penetration of this group, which includes mercenary fighters, into the African continent, especially in the coast region.

Macron said – during a press conference he held to announce the withdrawal of French forces from Mali – Friday that Wagner mercenaries have been present for years in Libya and in Central Africa, and have committed horrific violations against the civilian population.

This is the first time that the French president has declared against the “Wagner” mercenaries, especially in light of his and “Wagner” support for Khalifa Haftar in his war on Tripoli.

In a related context, the French “Challenge” website reported that Haftar was paying “Wagner” $200 million annually, according to intelligence information transmitted by “Intelligence Online,” noting that “Wagner” is present in all theaters, and is involved in violations in Libya, according to Report prepared by United Nations experts on Libya.

It is worth noting that the European Union imposed several new sanctions on “Wagner” mercenaries in December 2021, among the sanctions preventing the sanctioned from obtaining travel visas, and freezing their assets in the Union countries.

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