
Auahaida: “Bashagha” will present the names of his ministers during the parliament session next week.

MP Jibril Auhaida said, on Saturday, that Prime Minister-designate Fathi Bashaga is supposed to present the names of his government ministers to the HoR next week.

Auhaida, in a statement to Arraed, explained that Bashagha is still conducting his consultations to form his government, noting that he does not expect a parliament session to be held during the current week.

It is worth noting that a source from the Supreme Council of State confirmed to Arraed, on Thursday, that the Prime Minister-designate Fathi Bashagha met in Tripoli with a number of council members within the framework of consultations on forming his government, and he will meet with other members in the coming days; For further consultations and coordination.

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