
The HoR voted unanimously to choose Bashagha as Prime Minister and to amend the Constitutional Declaration.

On Thursday, the HoR voted unanimously to nominate Fathi Bashagha as prime minister of the new government, after the withdrawal of the other candidate, Khaled Al-Bibas.

The House voted by 126 votes to approve the twelfth constitutional amendment after it was approved by the Roadmap Committee assigned by the House of Representatives, and by the relevant State Council committee.

Parliament member Belkheir Al-Shaab said that Prime Minister Fathi Bashagha will start forming his government from today, and will present it to Parliament after 10 days.

Belkheir expected, in a statement to Arraed, that the next session will be on February 21; To give confidence and consider the government that will be presented by Bashagha, and after the parliament approves the government’s proposal, the procedures for the handing over will begin.

In a statement to Arraed, Supreme Member of the State Abdulsalam Al-Safrani confirmed that the parliament’s adoption of the constitutional amendment and the development of a map to reach presidential and parliamentary elections to end the transitional stages was agreed upon with the Supreme Council of State.

Al Safrani considered this amendment a positive step and a restoration of the national decision.

For his part, a member of the Supreme Council of State, Adel Karmous, explained that the nomination of the House of Representatives, for Fathi Bashagha, as head of the government came based on consensus with the Supreme Council of State.

In a statement to Arraed, Karmos indicated that the Council had initially proposed that the candidate obtain recommendations from the two chambers with 40 recommendations for the House of Representatives and 30 for the Supreme Council of State, noting that the only obstacle was the insistence of the Supreme Council of State to adopt the constitutional amendment.

Karmos added that the House of Representatives approved the constitutional amendment today, and thus recommendations were given to the candidates, and there was only one candidate after Khaled Al-Bibas withdrew from the electoral process.

The nomination of Bashagha as head of government came based on consensus with the Supreme Council of State, according to the member of the Supreme Council of State, Adel Karmus, and the text of the amended constitutional declaration that the House of Representatives, in agreement with the Supreme Council of State, issue electoral and referendum laws, restructure the Electoral Commission, and correct its legal status to supervise the referendum and elections. .

The resolution also stipulated that the House of Representatives adopt the political agreement in the constitutional amendment, and that the Committee of 24 settle the controversial articles in the draft constitution, and finishes its work within two months after voting on the constitutional amendment, and the House of Representatives and the state will issue a temporary constitutional rule in the event that the result of the referendum was a rejection of the project. .

It is worth noting that the parliament session held today, Thursday, was attended by 153 members, 138 voted to amend the constitutional declaration, while 15 rejected it. The parliament also voted unanimously to choose Fathi Pashaga as prime minister, with the recommendation of 52 members of the Supreme Council of State.

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