
Shinbaru: There are many obstacles that prevent the holding of elections, the most important of which is the current government.

MP, Amara Shinbaru, said that the government has not yet been able to extend its control and influence over all Libyan soil, and this is considered a defect in the management of its work, the most important of which is the holding of elections.

Shinbaru, in his statement to Arraed, added that one of the factors caused by the government is its inability to prevent electoral fraud and violations, especially in remote areas.

The deputy stressed that the Ministry of Interior has not yet been able to extend its control over all Libyan cities, which makes holding fair elections very difficult.

Shinbaru warned that one of the factors that hindered the elections was the candidacy of controversial figures for the elections, considering this a stopping point for the electoral process.

The MP pointed out that it is impossible for the Electoral Commission to have the ability to protect electoral centers, especially those located in small and remote areas, adding that the management council of the commission is supposed to be changed at every electoral process in Libya; In order to ensure the transparency and fairness of the elections.

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