
The Democratic Party calls on the Committee of 75 to address the course of the political process according to the political agreement.

The Democratic Party called on Monday for the importance of convening the 75th Dialogue Committee to address the course of the political process, as stipulated in the political agreement in Article “64” to address any serious breach and find a solution to the crisis if consensus fails, which did not happen previously during the work of the two councils.

The party stressed – in an official statement – that in the context of addressing the political process, it is necessary to reconsider the election law, which ignored the establishment of dozens of parties by adopting the individual system, reiterating its call for the adoption of a law allowing parties to participate in the elections with partisan lists that would enable them to perform their role to achieve The democratic system that everyone aspires to.

The Democratic Party welcomed any step towards achieving a just and comprehensive reconciliation, while at the same time reserving any initiative that would prolong the crisis and deviate the electoral path, such as taking consensus on the constitution as an excuse to deprive Libyans of exercising their electoral right, especially since its project has been ready for a referendum since 2017, and consensus has not occurred about it despite many attempts.

The party called on all Libyans to engage in political parties, develop them, and practice work through them, as they prevent the state from taking over, give strength to civil society, prevent the return of tyranny and tribal and regional strife, and transcend all the remnants of the past which was hostile to party work.

Finally, the party saluted the members of the Joint Military Committee 5 + 5 for what they achieved, and welcomed the return of the Special Adviser to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Stephanie Williams, to the Libyan file, praising the international position that adheres to respecting the will of the Libyans by supporting the electoral process.

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