
Auhaida: The arrest warrants against the ministers indicate chaos, corruption and their abuse of power.

In a statement to Arraed Thursday, MP Jibril Auhaida said that the Attorney General’s orders to seize and interrogate some ministers in the government indicate their “blatant abuse of power and free swimming in the quagmire of chaos and corruption.”

Auhaida added that the House of Representatives previously withdrew confidence from the Dbaiba government for these reasons, calling on the regulatory and control Authorities to exercise their role in following up on these issues.

Auhaida indicated that the ministers of the Dbaiba government were chosen; “The result of appeasing people, prior agreements, and sharing corruption.”

The council member added that this government came as a result of horrendous quotas in its ugliest form, saying that: “The origin of the problem is in the sovereign positions that some people refused their change.”

Auhaida stressed that more officials will fall in succession if seriousness and jealousy for the homeland exist, and the people and the public interest are a priority, as he put it.

It is worth noting that the Public Prosecutor’s Office issued an order, on Wednesday, to imprison the Minister of Culture and Knowledge Development, Mabrouka Toghi, after reports were received from the ministry’s employees about the forgery of documents and the disbursement of financial amounts ​​in a wrong.

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