
Shinbaru: There are about 700,000 fake national numbers inside the electoral system.

MP, Amara Shinbaro, said Monday in a statement to Arraed, that they were shocked by what was stated in the General Intelligence report about the presence of about 700,000 forged national numbers that were entered into the electoral system.

Shinbaro explained that the parliament discussed in its session today the report of the parliamentary committee formed to follow up on the elections, and the security and intelligence reports in particular.

In a related context, “Shinbaro” confirmed that the House of Representatives will resume its session tomorrow, Tuesday, to discuss the development of a road map for the elections, noting that the issue of holding them on January 24 is very difficult and almost impossible; Because the reasons for the postponement still exist, according to him.

Shinbaro added that the majority of deputies agreed on the option of forming a committee to develop a road map for the conduct of the upcoming political process in the country, explaining that among the options presented is a return to a referendum on the constitution; Because it is the only guarantor of the political and electoral process in Libya, as he put it.

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