
Bashagha’s speech after his return… What did it include?

The presidential candidate and former Minister of the Interior, Fathi Bashagha, returned to the city of Misurata after his visit to Benghazi after his meeting with a number of presidential candidates, amid a great reception from some of the city’s residents, while others are waiting for the content and results of this visit.

Upon his arrival, Bashagha gave a speech regarding his visit and his meeting with a number of presidential candidates, led by Khalifa Haftar, with whom the meeting raised many questions.

The reason for the visit

At first, Bashagha confirmed that his going to the eastern region is to reassure everyone, saying, “I want to reassure all people that everything we agreed on in Benghazi will not be against any political movement in Libya, and will include all parties and everyone,” adding that “the past is difficult to forget, But it is more difficult to stand there and not move forward.” Bashagha continued that he discussed the issue of the displaced from Benghazi, stressing that the rights of the oppressed are taken through national reconciliation, reparations and the courts.

political dialogue forum

Bashagha touched on the beginning of the political dialogue after the declaration of the cease-fire, and the road map that resulted from the Berlin conference, which was approved by the Security Council, after which the dialogue was launched through the Committee of 75.

Bashagha added that they went to dialogue; Because they are part of the international community, noting that the 75 members of the forum were chosen by the UN, holding it responsible for choosing them; Because it is the guarantor of its results, stressing that they agreed to all the proposals that resulted from the dialogue under the auspices of the UN, which resulted in the road map leading to the formation of lists nominated for the executive authority.

Aqila’s list

Bashagha referred to the severe criticism he was subjected to when he ran for prime minister at the Geneva Dialogue Forum, on a list that included Parliament Speaker Aqila Saleh, the commander of the Western Military Region, Osama Juwaili and Abdul Majeed Saif Anasir.

Bashagha added that he chose “Aqila”; Because he is considered a civilian figure representing the civil movement, and the goal was to gather the main parties in the conflict after the war ended, while others chose to ally with the military movement in reference to Haftar’s alliance with the “Dbaiba and Al Manifi” list, which eventually won, and was cheered and marketed by the affiliated media. Haftar, explaining that, despite all this, they welcomed the government without any rejection, according to him.

Annex 13

In his speech, Bashagha called on the UN mission in Libya to announce what happened in “Geneva” in the file of receiving bribes from some members of the dialogue, to show the facts, and not to use double standards in reference to Annex 13 of the report of the UN Committee of Experts, which “accused two members of the Dialogue Forum of providing bribes. Ranging between $150,000 and $200,000 for at least three people in exchange for a commitment to vote for Abdul Hamid Dbaiba as prime minister.
Bashagha said that the efforts of the UN in choosing the authority for the country were clear, as were its efforts in conducting the political process, but “the waters ran under their feet without them noticing it, calling on the international community and the UN to assume its responsibilities.”

Obstruction of the electoral process

Bashagha held the commission responsible for not holding the elections on time, after accepting the files of all candidates for the presidential elections, despite the clear legal obstacles.
Bashagha said that the commission bears full responsibility for the failure of the elections, and it is not accepted that Saif Gaddafi could enter; Because it is the one who accepted him, and it has to take him out now.

Saif Gaddafi, who is wanted by the International Criminal Court and sentenced to death by the Tripoli Appeals Court, was excluded by the commission before it referred his file to the judiciary. Although the election law issued by the Parliament is clear, and the conditions do not apply to his candidacy, the head of the commission referred him to the judiciary instead of referring him to Parliament to see if there was a problem with the law issued by them. in the law issued by them.

Violation of electoral laws

The candidacy of “Dbaiba”, who entered the electoral race without adhering to the provisions of Article 12 of the law, which stipulates that he stop working 3 months before the election date, and his pledge not to run after his list won in Geneva.

Government corruption and political crisis

Bashagha considered that the solution to the political crisis in Libya is not legal, but rather political, pointing out that the international community does not care about what happens to Libya in terms of corruption, and its importance to it is limited to illegal immigration and the terrorism file.

Bashagha said that the widespread corruption in the government will lead the country to bankruptcy, which we cannot remain silent about.

Bashagha criticized the British embassy’s statement about its support for the current government, wondering why it was defending it at a time when high standards are being imposed to combat corruption in her country.

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