
The International Humanitarian Group calls for the protection of the rights of Libyans to freedom of expression and assembly.

The participants in the Working Group on Humanitarian Issues in Libya called for launch of national reconciliation process and protect the rights of Libyans to freedom of expression and the right of assembly.

The group, which includes chairman of the working group on international humanitarian law and human rights emanating from the Berlin-Netherlands and Switzerland process and the UN mission to Libya, called in a statement on the occasion of International Human Rights Day, the Libyan authorities – published on the page of the UN mission – to ensure the contribution of all Libyans to the Building the future of their country in an effective manner, according to the statement.

The group said that the new regulations in Libya proposed by the National Unity Government in July 2021 impose arbitrary registration requirements and obstacles for civil work groups, according to the text of the statement.

The group expressed its concern that the regulations issued by the Libyan authorities would constitute severe restrictions on the civil work environment, especially Resolution No. 286 adopted in 2019, regarding the possibility of an assault on civil liberties and limiting the ability of organizations to work without risks.

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