
Norland: Obstructing the elections will put Libya at the mercy of the force of bullets.

The US ambassador to Libya, Richard Norland, warned against obstructing the elections scheduled for December 24 and refraining from participating in them.

Norland said that the mobilization to obstruct these elections will only lead to placing Libya and its future at the mercy of those who prefer the power of bullets to the power of the ballot, fighting and bullets, according to the calculation of the American embassy in Libya.

The US ambassador affirmed his country’s support for the United Nations’ efforts to advance the political process through national elections to form a unified and permanent government, congratulating Williams on her appointment as a Special Adviser to the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

It is worth noting that the House of Representatives formed a committee to communicate with the Electoral Commission; To discuss what they said were violations that occurred during the presidential candidacy procedures.

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