
Al-Sawsa: After Ankara, we will go to Moscow to request the parallel and simultaneous withdrawal of mercenaries.

A member of the 5+5 Joint Military Committee, Faraj Al-Sawsa’, said that the committee will head to Moscow; To request the withdrawal of mercenaries and foreign forces, in accordance with Security Council resolutions supporting the decisions of the Joint Military Committee, provided that the withdrawal is simultaneous under the supervision of international and local observers.

The committee member added – during an interview with the Russian Sputnik agency – that they discussed with the Turkish side the same demands; In implementation of the decisions of the Berlin Conference, the cease-fire resolution and the consequent withdrawal of foreign forces and mercenaries from Libya; Strengthening and realizing the principle of national sovereignty

The member of the committee stressed that “Ankara” welcomed the committee’s request, provided that the withdrawal be simultaneous and balanced by all parties.

It is noteworthy that the Turkish Ministry of Defense announced, on Friday, that it hosted the meeting of the Joint Military Committee 5 + 5; To discuss steps to bring peace to the country, and the action plan approved by the committee to gradually remove mercenaries and foreign fighters from the country.

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