
Electoral Commission: The appeals file is left in the hands of judiciary, and percentage of voters who received their cards reached 86%.

The head of the Media Center at the High Elections Commission, Sami Al-Sharif, said in a statement to Arraed Thursday that the file of appeals is a legal component that is now left in the hands of the judiciary.

Sami added that the number of citizens who received their electoral cards reached 2 million and 480 thousand out of 2 million and 800 thousand, or 86% of the total cards, indicating that the number of men reached one million and 440 thousand and women one million and 40 thousand.

The head of the media center explained that they will retrieve the cards whose owners have not received them from all polling stations; To be removed from the polling day lists, indicating that they will send lists of the names of the registrants who received their cards to the polling stations, so that they can cast their votes.

It is worth noting that the Electoral Commission closed on Wednesday at 6 pm the centers for receiving voter cards.

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